Fixed the phenomenon where a summoning signature can be written near a bonfire in Belfry Sol Approach.Fixed the jumping shortcut at the Shrine of Winter.Fixed the phenomenon where sound effects volume does not comply with the optional settings during the fight with the Looking Glass Knight.Fixed the phenomenon where the Tseldora Den Key cannot be acquired after the confrontational event between Mild-mannered Pate and Creighton the Wanderer in Brightstone Cove Tseldora.Fixed the phenomenon in Brightstone Cove Tseldora when the Duke's Dear Freja stops moving after defeating a summoned player in a NG+ playthru.Fixed the phenomenon where the player floats in the air if attacked while hanging onto a rope.Fixed the ability to use parry while invincible.Fixed the ability to use parry while back-stepping.Fixed the phenomenon where items do not disappear from inventory if they are thrown away while they are also being used.

Fixed the issue where saved data cannot be reloaded if the game is shut down right after the player is caught by the Darksucker, in an oil puddle in Black Gulch.Fixed the loading screen issue when you lose a deathmatch in the Undead Purgatory.Summoned into another world as a Blue Savior then returned to their own world Fixed the phenomenon when that the poison pond returns after the windmill is burned down and immobilized, and the player is.Fixed the phenomenon when the poison pond does not disappear when the windmill is burned down and immobilized.Fixed the progression-stopping phenomenon when the player talks to Laddersmith Gilligan in Earthen Peak.Fixed the phenomenon in Majula where the door does not open even after moved by Licia of Lindeldt.Fixed the progression-stopping phenomenon at Heide's Tower when the host falls off right before the Dragonrider Boss Fight.Fixed the phenomenon where the player is not able to talk to Licia of Lindeldt.An upper limit has been set to the number of Souls a player can earn when fighting off invading players.Fixed abnormal amounts of damage being caused by certain weapons.The following is a list of bug fixes, changes and refinements to gameplay included in the Version update: If you are interested in what has been tweaked and balanced (and it's a LOT) you can read the complete list here: To prepare the game and yourself for the extra content, Bandai Namco has prepared a new patch that should be ready for download now according do CVG. If you are still captivated by the torturous challenge of Dark Souls II, you are probably also preparing yourself for the upcoming DLC-expansion in the form of The Crown of the Sunken King.